Debit Order processing

How debit order processing works through Peach Payments Online Gateway | Peach Payments Support

Settlement of debit orders into your account
Settlements into your account There is an initial surety amount required when opening a Debit Order processing account which is 10% of the amount needed...
Tue, 17 Jan, 2023 at 12:29 PM
What is surety amount and how do I increase it ?
What is Surety? Banks require merchants to keep a percentage of expected volume (Surety) for debit order processing. This is typically 10% of expected volu...
Wed, 24 Aug, 2022 at 11:43 AM
How does the Bank Account Verification (BANV) Work?
The Bank Account Verification (BANV) product verifies that the bank account and branch code are valid.  There are two types which incur different costs....
Thu, 24 Aug, 2023 at 12:01 PM
Uploading a Debit Order batch via API
The API documentation is attached at the end of the article. To upload a Debit Order batch via API, you can use the sample below. Please make sure you ...
Mon, 24 Feb, 2025 at 12:55 PM
How does the Surety deposit for Debit Orders work?
To process debit orders, it is required that we keep a Surety deposit from you. This Surety deposit will be requested from you in the onboarding process ...
Mon, 5 Jun, 2023 at 5:16 PM
Batch upload cut-off times
Debit order batches need to be uploaded before a certain cut-off time to be processed. The cut-off time depends on the Service Type that you use: Same Day (...
Tue, 13 Dec, 2022 at 12:38 PM
What happens to Debit orders on the Action date?
Debit order proceeds (credit) Early on the Action date, 1Day and 2Day debit orders credit the Nominated account (either Paysoft or the Client's account...
Tue, 26 Jan, 2021 at 4:00 PM