SLA for additional payment methods or services

Refund to closed customer bank account (processing time)40 hours5 daysBanks
refund older than 6 months (processing time)16 hours2 daysnone
reverse or cancel a refund (only Nedbank) processing time40 hours5 daysBank
refund/reversal request (processing time)16 hours2 daysnone
refund POR (processing time)16 hours2 daysnone
bank account details update - Peach aggregation account24 hours3 daysFinance
bank account details update - with acquirer merchant account32 hours4 daysAquiring bank
invoice request/query32 hours4 daysNone/Finance
recon request - where available (existing merchant)40 hours5 daysNone
settlement statement request (aggregation)24 hours6 daysNone/Finance
request to close merchant account40 hours5 daysSales/Finance
password reset BIP/dashboard8 hours1 dayNone
new user access dashboard8 hours1 dayNone
settlement queries - ISO40 hours5 daysBank
settlement queries - Aggregation24 hours3 daysNone/Finance
change in pricing16 hours2 daysNone
proof of 3DS16 hours2 daysNone
Sandboxes8 hours1 dayNone
webhook set up (standard)8 hours1 dayNone
webhook set up (product team)16 hours2 daysproduct/engineering
integration errors - with regard to configuration (peach control)16 hours2 daysNone
integration errors - reliant on partner/3rd party response40 hours5 daysbanks/partners
integration requirement - requiring a system release or upgradeat next release dateat next release dateproduct/engineering
integration errors - merchant configuration40 hours5 daysmerchant
where to find credentials to go LIVE8 hours1 dayNone
Requests related to international cards/payments24 hours3 days
Direct EFT transaction queries to either Peach or Merchant16 hours2 days
confirmation of transactions status (identified in bip/console/system)8 hours1 day
confirmations of transactions status (that requires acquirer/issuer confirmation)40 hours5 daysbank/acquirer
Fica/contract queries & info16 hours2 daysnone
Add-on: Paysafe24 hours3 daysnone
Add-on: Paysafe (new ISO merchant account- see below)21 days after forms signedbank/merchant
Add-on: EFT Secure24 hours3 daysnone
Add-on: additional/change URL40 hours5 daysnone
Add-on: change integration24 hours3 daysnone
Add-on: AMEX21 days after forms signedBank
Add-on: Diners21 days after forms signedBank
Add-on: Debit Orders30 - 60 daysPaysoft/Bank
Add-on: Payouts7 -14 daysbank and 3rd party partner
Add-on: MPESA21 daysBank/MPESA/Merchant
Add-on: Foreign card acceptance32 hours4 daysRisk approval
Add--on: ScantoPay (ISO)21 days after forms signedbank/mastercard/merchant
Add--on: ScantoPay (Aggr)24 hours3 daysnone
Add-on: Mobicred (ISO)40 hours5 daysmobicred
Add-on: Mobicred (Aggr)24 hours3 daysnone
Add-on: Additional merchant account same legal entity (Aggr)40 hours5 daysmerchant
Add-on: Additional merchant account same legal entity (ISO)21 days after forms signedbank/merchant
Add-on: additional channel (Aggregation) - including MOTO40 hours5 daysnone
Add-on: additional channel (ISO) - including MOTO7-21 daysacquirer
Add-on:1foryou (Aggregation)7 days1ForYou
Add-on:1foryou (ISO)TBC1ForYou/merchant
Add-on: ApplePay (Nedbank ISO merchants)40 hours5 days after forms signed
Add-on: Legal entity change (Aggre)40 hours5 daysRisk approval
Add-on: Legal entity change (ISO)21 days after forms signedbank/merchant
Add-on: reactivate account (old merchant)40 hours5 daysRisk approval
Add-on: Payflex24 hours3 daysPayflex partner
Add-on: Zeropay32 hours4 daysZeropay partner
Add-on: Instant EFT by Peach24 hours3 daysStitch
Add-on: A+32 hours4 daysTenacity
Add-on: Virtual terminal (Aggregation)5 daysRisk approval
Add-on: Virtual terminal (ISO)7 - 10 daysacquirer approval and processing
Add-on: Multicurrency (with existing Absa merchant account)10 - 21 daysacquirer approval and processing
Add-on: Blink24 hours3 daysEmtel partner
Add-on CapitecPay4 daysCapitec Bank
Add-on: Nedbank Direct EFT24 hours3 daysnone
Add-on: MCB Juice10 daysMCB Bank

1. The number of hours or days is the expected maximum

2. The SLA is dependent on receiving the information necessary to attend to the request

3. Dependancies on third parties may impact ability to meet SLA but this will be communicated

4. All requests will be responded to within 24 hours irrespective of resolution i.e. either resolving; requesting more information, clarifying, or advising of next steps

5. This is a resolution SLA not a response SLA