Payouts Service

This section contains FAQs and integration tips with respect to the new Peach Payments Payouts for South Africa

How long does Peach Payment store payout batch history?
PayOut batches are submitted by merchants to us via API OR CSV file uploads. Currently we have all batches as part of the system in the history. We ...
Tue, 11 Oct, 2022 at 1:44 PM
What are the acceptable Account Type values?
The Peach PayOut system API has an optional parameter which allows merchants to specify the type of the destination bank account. Parameter Name: Accou...
Tue, 24 Jan, 2023 at 10:45 AM
Is there a retry mechanism for Unpaids callbacks?
The Peach PayOut system delivers unpaid transaction details via a webhook / callback to the merchant specified URL (Callback URL). In the event that the...
Tue, 14 Feb, 2023 at 10:53 AM
How to prevent duplicate batches from being submitted?
The Peach PayOuts solution API includes features to prevent the merchant from submitting a duplicate batch i.e. the same batch twice. We recommend that ...
Tue, 28 Mar, 2023 at 1:45 PM
Request and Response XML strings
All request  data for the Peach PayOut API must be submitted as form data in a POST action (i.e. application/x-wwwform- urlencoded) with the key "reque...
Tue, 28 Mar, 2023 at 11:25 AM
How can we test unpaid notifications on our callback URL?
When attempted PayOuts are unpaid (for example because the beneficiaries account is blocked), a notification will be sent to the callback URL. The callb...
Tue, 18 Apr, 2023 at 1:55 PM
Whitelisting IP address for PayOuts callback notifications
To ensure that the callback for unpaids that you receive come from us you can whitelist the IP addresses below: api.peachpay....
Sat, 21 Dec, 2019 at 7:15 AM
How to Simulate Failed CDV Check- Payout API
If you need to pay creditors, you can use our payout API Here is a sample TEST payout request. We provide the API key POST: https://sandbox.peachpay...
Mon, 24 Feb, 2025 at 12:57 PM
Getting Started with Payouts
Peach payments enable businesses to make bulk EFT payments, Example usage could be to pay out, suppliers, partners, employees or customers who paid for good...
Thu, 11 Apr, 2024 at 2:10 PM
Peach Payouts: Float Management and FAQs
Peach Payouts now supports float management Your finance team no longer needs to make bank transfers, each time you need to use our payouts system. You ...
Tue, 10 Mar, 2020 at 12:51 PM