NOTE: Before actioning any risk setting changes on a merchant's profile, please notify your direct superior and grab an Applications Engineer to a...
Thu, 27 Jan, 2022 at 5:24 PM
Mpesa supports two types of merchant accounts; Paybill and Till Number. The below setup guidelines will assist you in setting up the two accounts on Peach ...
Fri, 18 Mar, 2022 at 1:03 PM
Response to the merchant if their transactions are in this scenario as mentioned in the header of this article: 1) When a customers EFT Secure payment f...
Tue, 29 Mar, 2022 at 1:11 PM
This is usually a process we would follow to look up a transaction log in order to see what happened with a transaction, what flow was followed, and what we...
Tue, 28 Feb, 2023 at 5:30 PM
This article is about getting a Payment unique ID for a Transaction in order to investigate further for example on AWS Dynamo DB logs to check what flow a t...
Thu, 28 Apr, 2022 at 11:33 AM
Objective The objective of this process is to close or suspend a Peach Payments merchant account. The account is disabled in all systems to ensure processin...
Mon, 16 Jan, 2023 at 10:56 AM
What is FICA? Financial Intelligence Centre Act that was introduced in 2021. It was designed and implemented to help prevent money laundering a...
Tue, 14 Feb, 2023 at 2:29 PM
1. Adding a Beneficiary via API request Generating a Bearer Token: First, generate a bearer token required to authenticate the Beneficiary API reque...
Mon, 24 Feb, 2025 at 12:40 PM
We have implemented a blacklist on SAInPay division for the following 3 BINS, for refunds only These BINS cause format errors due SMS transactions b...
Fri, 27 May, 2022 at 11:49 AM
Looking for some answers? Please have a look at some FAQs below that may have what youre looking for! 1. I want to add Payflex to my store. What d...
Tue, 7 Jun, 2022 at 4:29 PM