Looking for some answers? Please have a look at some FAQs below that may have what youre looking for!
1. I want to add Payflex to my store. What do I need to do?
Please complete the merchant inquiry form or send us an email with your details to sales@peachpayments.com - Our experienced sales team will then give you a call and get you up and running in as little as a day.
2. What eCommerce platforms does Payflex support?
Peach has ready-to-go integrations for Payflex as a payment method for Woocommerce, Shopify, Magento V2, and Opencart, that will allow you to integrate Payflex into your online store in no time.
4. What does Payflex cost?
Peach offers a very simple payment structure depending on whether you have an ISO merchant account or an Aggregation merchant account:
Aggregation/Growth - 4.85% + R4.00 / transaction
ISO/Enterprise - 4.0% - 4.85% + R4.00 / transaction
5. When do I get settled?
Weekly or daily settlement is possible, depending on whether you have an ISO merchant account or an Aggregation merchant account
6. What happens if a shopper doesn't pay their Payflex installments?
That won't have any effect on you receiving your money. You get 100% of the purchase amount (less the Payflex/Peach fee) paid in full upfront.
If you haven't found the answer to your question above, please feel free to get in touch with the Peach support team via email: support@peachpayments.com