This article serves as a guideline for when to retry transactions and when not to as mandated by the Visa and Mastercard schemes. It is important to note that failure to comply will result in fines being issued.
When a transaction fails, the acquirer response code from Visa or Mastercard must be noted as well as which category these codes form a part of.
Category 1 transactions are particularly important as they should not be reattempted under any circumstances.
The categories and what they mean:
- Category 1: Never re-attempt these transactions (Visa or Mastercard)
- Category 2: Issuer cannot approve at this time.
- For Visa, re-attempts should be limited to 15 attempts in 30 days.
- For Mastercard, re-attempts should be limited to 35 attempts in 30 days.
- Category 3: Data quality needs to be re-evaluated. Check the data being sent and confirm it is correct before re-attempting.
- Category 4: Generic response codes.
Merchant Advice Codes (MAC) and what they mean:
MAC | Description | Applicable to Visa | Applicable to Mastercard |
00 | Others | ✅ | ✅ |
01 | New/Updated Account Information available | ✅ | ✅ |
02 | Try again later | ✅ | ✅ |
03 | Do not try again | ✅ | ✅ |
04 | Token requirements not fulfilled for this token type | ❌ | ✅ |
21 | Recurring Payment Cancellation Service | ❌ | ✅ |
22 | Merchant does not qualify for product code | ❌ | ✅ |
24 | Retry after 1 hour | ❌ | ✅ |
25 | Retry after 24 hours | ❌ | ✅ |
26 | Retry after 2 days | ❌ | ✅ |
27 | Retry after 4 days | ❌ | ✅ |
28 | Retry after 6 days | ❌ | ✅ |
29 | Retry after 8 days | ❌ | ✅ |
30 | Retry after 10 days | ❌ | ✅ |
Where to find the MAC:
The following screenshot shows the Merchant Advice Code in the BIP:
The API response also contains the Merchant Advice Code, as seen in the following code snippet:
"AcquirerResponse":"94","reconciliationId":"0220:79removedCCB937","MerchantAdviceCode":"00"},"card":{"bin":"removed","last4Digits":"removed","holder":"Peach","expiryMonth":"removed","expiryYear":"removed"},"authentication":{"entityId":"removed"},"redirect":{"parameters":[]},"risk":{"score":"0"},"timestamp":"2024-09-11 13:04:17+0000","ndc":"removed","merchantAccountId":"removed","channelName":"Peach Support removed","source":"removed","paymentMethod":"CC","shortId":"removed"}}
The following table documents the scheme codes and which categories they belong to. For more information, please see the attached documentation provided by Visa and Mastercard.
Visa acquirer response code | Mastercard acquirer response code | Peach response code | Response description | Category |
00 | 00 | 000.000.000 | Approved or completed successfully | N/A |
01 | 01 | 800.100.152 | Refer to card issuer | Category 4 |
02 | 02 | 800.100.152 | Refer to card issuer, special condition | Category 2 |
03 | 03 | 800.100.190 | Invalid merchant | Category 2 |
04 | 04 | 800.100.171 | Pick-up card | Category 1 |
05 | 05 | 800.100.152 | Do not honor | Category 4 |
06 | 06 | 800.100.152 | Error | Category 4 |
07 | 07 | 800.100.171 | Pick-up card, special condition | Category 1 |
08 | 08 | Honor with identification | Category 4 | |
09 | 09 | 800.100.152 | Request in progress | Category 4 |
10 | 10 | Approved for partial amount | N/A | |
11 | 11 | Approved (VIP) | N/A | |
12 | 12 | 800.100.154 | Invalid transaction | Category 1 |
13 | 13 | 800.100.174 | Invalid amount | Category 4 |
14 | 14 | 800.100.151 | Invalid card number (No such number) | Category 1 |
15 | 15 | 800.100.152 | No such issuer | Category 1 |
16 | 16 | Approved, update track 3 | N/A | |
17 | 17 | 800.100.152 | Customer cancellation | Category 4 |
18 | 18 | 800.100.152 | Customer dispute | Category 4 |
19 | 19 | 800.100.152 | Re-enter transaction | Category 2 |
20 | 20 | 800.100.152 | Invalid response | Category 4 |
21 | 21 | 800.100.152 | No action taken | Category 4 |
22 | 22 | 800.100.152 | Suspected malfunction | Category 4 |
23 | 23 | 800.100.152 | Unacceptable transaction fee | Category 4 |
24 | 24 | 800.100.152 | File update not supported | Category 4 |
25 | 25 | 800.100.167 | Unable to locate record on file | Category 4 |
26 | 26 | 800.100.152 | Duplicate record | Category 4 |
27 | 27 | 800.100.152 | File update field edit error | Category 4 |
28 | 28 | 800.100.152 | File update file locked | Category 4 |
29 | 29 | 800.100.152 | File update failed | Category 4 |
30 | 30 | 800.100.156 | Format error | Category 4 |
31 | 31 | 800.100.152 | Bank not supported | Category 4 |
32 | 32 | 800.100.152 | Completed partially | Category 4 |
33 | 33 | 800.100.157 | Expired card, pick-up | Category 4 |
34 | 33 | 800.100.158 | Suspected fraud, pick-up | Category 4 |
35 | 25 | 800.100.152 | Contact acquirer, pick-up | Category 4 |
36 | 36 | 800.100.168 | Restricted card, pick-up | Category 4 |
37 | 37 | 800.100.152 | Call acquirer security, pick-up | Category 4 |
38 | 38 | 800.100.178 | PIN tries exceeded, pick-up | Category 4 |
39 | 39 | 800.100.152 | No credit account | Category 2 |
40 | 40 | 800.100.152 | Function not supported | Category 4 |
41 | 41 | 800.100.165 | Lost card, pick-up | Category 1 |
42 | 42 | 800.100.152 | No universal account | Category 4 |
43 | 43 | 800.100.159 | Stolen card, pick-up | Category 1 |
44 | 44 | 800.100.152 | No investment account | Category 4 |
45 | N/A | Account closed | Category 4 | |
46 | N/A | Identification required | Category 1 | |
47 | N/A | Identification cross-check required | Category 4 | |
48 | N/A | No customer record | Category 4 | |
51 | 51 | 800.100.155 | Not sufficient funds | Category 2 |
52 | 52 | 800.100.152 | No check account | Category 2 |
53 | 53 | 800.100.152 | No savings account | Category 2 |
54 | 54 | 800.100.157 | Expired card | Category 3 |
55 | 55 | 800.100.166 | Incorrect PIN | Category 3 |
56 | 56 | 800.100.152 | No card record | Category 4 |
57 | 57 | 800.100.170 | Transaction not permitted to cardholder | Category 1 |
58 | 58 | 800.100.170 | Transaction not permitted on terminal | Category 4 |
59 | 59 | 800.100.158 | Suspected fraud | Category 2 |
60 | 60 | 800.100.152 | Contact acquirer | Category 4 |
61 | 61 | 800.100.162 | Exceeds withdrawal limit | Category 2 |
62 | 62 | 800.100.168 | Restricted card | Category 2 |
63 | 63 | 800.100.153 | Security violation | Category 4 |
64 | 64 | 800.100.152 | Original amount incorrect | Category 4 |
65 | 65 | 800.100.163 | Exceeds withdrawal frequency | Category 2 |
66 | 66 | 800.100.152 | Call acquirer security | Category 4 |
67 | 67 | 800.100.160 | Hard capture | Category 4 |
68 | 68 | 900.100.400 | Response received too late | Category 4 |
69 | N/A | 900.100.400 | Advice received too late | Category 4 |
70 | N/A | [Europe Region only] PIN data required | Category 3 | |
75 | 75 | 800.100.161 | PIN tries exceeded | Category 2 |
76 | 76 | Key synchronization error | Category 4 | |
77 | 77 | 800.100.152 | Intervene, bank approval required | Category 4 |
78 | 78 | 800.100.152 | Intervene, bank approval required for partial amount Visa Reason Code description: Blocked, first used or special condition [account is temporarily blocked] | Category 2 |
N/A | 79 | Invalid digital signature | Category 4 | |
N/A | 80 | Stale dated transaction | Category 4 | |
N/A | 81 | 800.100.100 | Issuer requested standin | Category 4 |
N/A | 82 | Count exceeds limit | Category 3 | |
N/A | 83 | Reserved for private use | Category 4 | |
N/A | 84 | Time limit for pre-authorization reached | Category 4 | |
N/A | 85 | Issuer has no reason to decline the transaction | N/A | |
86 | N/A | Cannot verify PIN | Category 2 | |
N/A | 87 | Check already posted | N/A | |
N/A | 88 | Information not on file | Category 4 | |
N/A | 89 | Card verification value (CVV) verification failed (no pickup) | Category 4 | |
90 | 90 | 800.100.152 | Cut-off in progress | Category 4 |
91 | 91 | 900.100.400 | Issuer or switch inoperative | Category 2 |
92 | 92 | 800.100.152 | Routing error | Category 4 |
93 | 93 | 800.100.152 | Violation of law | Category 2 |
94 | 94 | 800.110.100 | Duplicate transaction | Category 4 |
95 | 95 | 800.100.152 | Reconcile error | Category 4 |
96 | 96 | 900.100.600 | System malfunction | Category 2 |
1A | 1A | [Europe Region only] Additional customer authentication required | Category 3 | |
6P | 6P | Verification Failed (Cardholder ID does not match Issuer records | Category 3 | |
N3 | N3 | Cash service not available | Category 2 | |
N4 | N4 | Cash request exceeds issuer or approve limit | Category 2 | |
N7 | N7 | Decline for CVV2 Failure | Category 3 | |
R0 | R0 | Stop Payment Order | Category 1 | |
R1 | R1 | Revocation of Authorisation order | Category 1 | |
R3 | R3 | Revocation of all Authorisation orders | Category 1 | |
Z5 | N/A | Valid account but amount not supported | Category 2 |