This mailer was sent on Wednesday 26 October 2022 to all Merchants who do Tokenisation/Card Storage - Technical email address from the Peach Console Contacts.
Mail Subject: Credentials on File (CoF): New/Extra Card Scheme (VISA & MASTERCARD) Required Parameters
If you use Tokenization and have a custom integration using our Copy and Pay, and/or server-to-server, and/or our Mobile SDK API please implement the Payments Association of South Africa (PASA) mandated changes outlined below with regards to Tokenisation and Recurring Payments.
Dear valued Peach merchant
This email serves as a reminder to please implement extra/new Card Scheme (VISA and MASTERCARD) mandated changes to your API calls for Subscription/Recurring/Tokenisation payments. This mandate is in relation to Credentials on File (CoF) and this impacts merchants who participate in recurring transactions.
Please urgently implement the below changes to avoid the risk of chargebacks and/or other potential Card Scheme rejections.
What is Required from You/The Merchant:
Previous Credential on File (CoF) API request changes notice/mail:
Please make sure to include/add the below parameters in your API requests if:
You are using standingInstruction.type=RECURRING:
Recurring Transactions are transactions that are processed on a regular fixed interval for a pre-agreed or advised amount, where applicable. Recurring Transactions don't have a fixed duration and will continue to be processed until the cardholder cancels the agreement.
You are using standingInstruction.type=INSTALLMENT
INSTALLMENT: Installment Payments are transactions that are processed on a regular fixed interval for a pre-agreed amount for a single purchase of good or services. Unlike Recurring Transactions, Installment Payments do have a fixed duration and shouldn't continue to be processed after the end of the agreed installment period.
standingInstruction.frequency = {N4}
Example of how it should look like for a Week recurring cycle
standingInstruction.frequency = 0007
Example of how it should look like for a Month recurring cycle
standingInstruction.frequency = 0028
standingInstruction.expiry = {yyyy-MM-dd}
The value should be in days and it should be a 4-digit number, {N4}
The format of the date should strictly be YYYY-MM-DD
See below for example of how it should look like when the subscription is expiring on 1 December 2022
standingInstruction.expiry = 2022-12-01
See below for example of how it should look like when the subscription does not have an expiring date:
standingInstruction.expiry = 9999-12-31
See below conditional value that is required for all MASTERCARD CIT and MIT requests ie. the below value/parameter is only required for for all MASTERCARD CIT and MIT requests
standingInstruction.recurringType = STANDING_ORDER/SUBSCRIPTION
Indicates the type of recurring MIT agreement for MasterCard branded cards.
STANDING_ORDER value has to be provided in case the Customer agrees to store the credentials-on-file/store card and initiates the first transaction in a series intended to be for a variable amount and a fixed frequency
Eg. The initial transaction to store the credential-on-file for a monthly utility payment.
SUBSCRIPTION value has to be provided in case the Customer agrees to store the credential-on-file/store card and initiates the first transaction in a series intended to be for a fixed amount and a fixed frequency.
Eg: The initial transaction to store the credential-on-file for a monthly newspaper subscription.
Thank You for using Peach Payments as a Payment Gateway and please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions.
Peach Payments Support
Contact us at