NB Notice: All Production/Live transactions containing the below parameter will be rejected after October 31, 2022:


Dear valued Peach Merchants

As part of our security updates in conjunction with our core partners please note that the parameter 'testMode’ will no longer be allowed/rejected in Live/Production.

  • All Production/Live transactions containing this parameter will be rejected after October 31, 2022.
  • More information on the 'testMode’ parameter is available on the developer portal.

What is required from You/The Merchant:

  • If you have the parameter 'testMode' in your any of your API requests in your LIVE/Production environment please may you remove this parameter
  • If you have been including this parameter in some or all of your calls you may already be receiving rejections for some of these transactions, depending on the transaction type and the value sent in this/'testMode' parameter
  • We strongly recommend that the required changes are made as soon as possible; this will ensure that you are not at risk of disruption ahead of the seasonal peak processing period.


  • There is a hard cut-off October 31, 2022 whereby all LIVE/Production transactions containing this parameter will be rejected

Thank you for your understanding in relation to this change.

Please reach out to [email protected] if you have any queries around this change.