Peach Payments integrates seamless with Magento.


Setting up the plugin

1. Request a plugin and a Peach sandbox via [email protected]

2. Install the plugin following this instruction

3. Configure the plugin


In the Sales menu - you will find an option called Open Payments Platform. There you will configure the following: 


  • Operation Mode = Test mode

  • Test Mode = Internal

  • Access Token = XXXXXXXXXXX


  • Other options you can configure based on what behavior you need from the module.

You can find these credentials in your Sandbox console:

  • Entity ID can be found under Channel Info. Make sure you use the key for the 3D channel here


Then go to Payment Methods: here you will see that there are a number of payment methods added from us. You will enable and configure the following:


Choose Open Payment Platform Credit Card

  • Enabled = Enabled
  • EntityID = same as above
  • Capturing = Directly after order
  • COPYandPAY Style = "plain" but you can choose this based on what UI you prefer
  • Authorisation Method = Widget Authorization
  • Authorized / Uncertain / Captured status = set as per your requirement on what you need order status to be. Usually merchants prefer going to "Processing"
  • Alias Manager = Active - allows users to store their card data and we then still do 3DSecure on the stored card i.e. One click checkouts WITH 3DSecure.

Now you should be able to a test payment in your store with one of the test cards


Useful links

Plugin documentation

Manual Review process in Customweb Magento plugin