How do I differentiate recurring payments from once-off payments?


Once-off payments will only have a DB (debit) line item in the Peach merchant dashboard.

Click on a DB and go to the "Actions" tab. If you see an RG, then it is a subscription or stored card payment.

You can click on the RG to see all payments made on that card.

In the Woocommerce backend, there is a separate tab for subscriptions orders (Woocommerce --> subscriptions)

How do we make sure customers and shop owners get payment confirmation notifications?


Woocommerce order emails are configured and triggered to your admin and customer. Peach delivers a confirmation to Woocommerce and Woocommerce triggers the necessary notification emails.

Payment confirmation should also go to the customer from their bank (via email/sms depending on their setup with the bank)

The Peach plugin is a Woothemes extension and so it talks to Woocommerce and Woocommerce runs its normal processes.

From your WordPress backend, go to Woocommerce> Settings > Emails

 If I reverse a transaction via WordPress site - will it successfully reimburse the customer?

Yes! as of version 3.0.0 update, refunds work as expected from our woo-commerce plugin.

How do I see the total balance that I have made for any period?


You can select a relevant period, filter for successful "DB" and "RF" transactions and then view the balance in the BIP. This will show you only debits and refunds (credits).

In the screenshot below there are no refunds or unsuccessful transactions. If there were you could type "DB", "RF" "CP", and "success" (with spaces) in the search bar to filter for test transactions that affect the balance.

This is also available in your woo-commerce order reports but may not include refunds if you do not process the refund as well on the woo-commerce backend, once you have processed via the BIP (merchant dashboard)

What should the status be in Woocommerce when I receive a payment?

This is handled by the Woocommerce order management. More info here
For physical products, the order status will stay in "processing"

For virtual or downloadable products, the order status will be "complete"

Please always rely on Woocommerce documentation for order status information.

Common errors caused by Plugin conflicts?