This article speaks to the requirements needed in order to present Capitec Pay as a payment method on checkout, depending on whether your business model is classified as High Risk or Low Risk. 

The crux of the requirement rests on whether a merchant needs to populate a 'customer.idNumber' parameter in their POST request. High-Risk Merchants are required to send the verified ID number of their customer in API requests (customers should not be able to edit this value).

The summary is as follows:

High-Risk merchants:

  • If no customer.idNumber is passed, Capitec Pay does not show on Checkout
  • If customer.idNumber is passed, Capitec Pay is available 

Low-Risk merchants:

  • Regardless of if customer.idNumber is passed, Capitec Pay will be available.

SB-Tech merchants:

  • SB-tech does not support the customer.idNumber


  • Plugins don't support customer.idNumber

1. Checkout: High-risk Merchants:

  • If no customer.idNumber is passed, Capitec Pay does not show on Checkout
  • If customer.idNumber is passed, Capitec Pay is available.
  • Merchants don't have the option to pay using phone numbers

2. Checkout: Low-risk Merchants:

  • Regardless of if customer.idNumber is passed, Capitec Pay will be available.
  • Merchants see the option to pay using phone numbers

3. Checkout: SB-Tech Merchants:

Note: SB-tech is a betting software

  • Merchant using SB-tech are classified by Capitec Pay as high risk merchants
  • SB-tech doesn't send the customer.idNumber parameter in the requests to checkout
  • Merchants using SB-tech won't be able to pay using Capitec Pay, since the option won't be visible on checkout.

4. Checkout: Plugins/Integrations: 

If merchant is high risk and using any of the below plugins/integration, they cannot pass through the customer.idNumber parameter to us hence they won't see Capitec Pay as an option on checkout;

  • Payment links
  • Xero
  • All plugins: Shopify, Wix, Magento, WooCommerce, NopCommerce, OpenCart, Ecwid etc.