Guide on setting up recurring payments on Copy and Pay Example:

standingInstruction.mode = REPEATED/INITIAL

  • For the initial payment request, you should send the standingInstruction.mode with value INITIAL, standingInstruction.type with value UNSCHEDULED and standingInstruction.source with value CIT.
  • For any subsequent payment, you should send the standingInstruction.mode with value REPEATED, standingInstruction.type with value UNSCHEDULED ,standingInstruction.source with value MIT.

    standingInstruction.type = UNSCHEDULED/INSTALLMENT/RECURRING

  • RECURRING: Recurring Transactions are transactions that are processed on a regular fixed interval for a pre-agreed or advised amount, where applicable. Recurring Transactions don't have a fixed duration and will continue to be processed until the cardholder cancels the agreement.
  • UNSCHEDULED: An unscheduled credential-on-file transaction is like a recurring transaction but differs in that it does not happen at pre-agreed intervals. The classic example of such a transaction is when it is triggered by an event such as an amount threshold to ensure that a pay-as-you-go account always has a minimum available reserve.
  • NB: If a RECURRING payment is being actioned, then the following parameter needs to be added in order to distinguish the type of recurring transactions being processed:

On top of "standingInstruction.type=RECURRING, please include:

  • standingInstruction.recurringType=SUBSCRIPTION 


  • standingInstruction.recurringType=STANDING_ORDER

standingInstruction.source = MIT/CIT

  • CIT* is any transaction where the cardholder is actively participating in the transaction, either at a terminal in-store or through a checkout experience online.
  • MIT** is a subsequent transaction with already-stored credentials, for which a cardholder has given prior consent to the merchant to store payment credentials for future use without his or her active engagement. Such would be the case in the automatic billing for subscription services, to name one example.

    * CIT— cardholder-initiated transaction
    ** MIT— merchant-initiated transaction

    Please see the following article when migrating to production: Endpoint update

1. Initial request
Generate checkout ID with the highlighted parameters included
curl \
 -d "entityId=8a82xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
 -d "amount=0.00" \
 -d "currency=ZAR" \
 -d "paymentType=PA" \
 -d "standingInstruction.mode=INITIAL" \
 -d "standingInstruction.type=UNSCHEDULED" \
 -d "standingInstruction.source=CIT" \

 -d "createRegistration=true" \
    "description":"successfully created checkout"
  "buildNumber":"7b78e08b0735d2f79db413b347a476b2b755e624@2021-10-01 10:59:24 +0000",
  "timestamp":"2021-10-05 15:25:10+0000",

2. Make a payment 
use the checkout ID in the HTML/ Javascript widget to make payment

    <head><base target="_top"></head>
<form action="" class="paymentWidgets" data-brands="VISA MASTER AMEX"></form>
<script src=""></script> 


3. Get payment status request
Send a get payment status request to get a Token/Registration ID
curl -G \
 -d "entityId=8a82xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
  "descriptor":"0840.6292.5376 Non3D_Channel",
    "description":"Request successfully processed in 'Merchant in Integrator Test Mode'"
  "buildNumber":"7b78e08b0735d2f79db413b347a476b2b755e624@2021-10-01 10:59:24 +0000",
  "timestamp":"2021-10-05 15:28:10+0000",

4. Recurring payment
Send a post request to the following endpoint "{id}/payments \" as per the below request to charge the token/registration ID
curl \
 -d "entityId=8a82xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
 -d "amount=92.00" \
 -d "currency=ZAR" \
 -d "paymentType=DB" \
 -d "standingInstruction.mode=REPEATED" \
 -d "standingInstruction.type=UNSCHEDULED" \
 -d "standingInstruction.source=MIT" \

Please feel free to contact our service team for any further assistance.