You should be able to switch from the LIVE to test Wallet by scanning the below QR code from within the LIVE App
1) You will need a Masterpass Wallet to complete test transactions.
A test Masterpass digital wallet can be accessed from within the existing Masterpass App on Andriod or IOS by visiting one of the below links.
A test Masterpass digital wallet can be accessed from within the existing Masterpass App on Andriod or IOS by visiting one of the below links.
2) You will then need to add test cards.
The test card numbers for Masterpass can be between 16-18 digits. For 18 digit cards simply add 2 random numbers to the end of the number.
Please note:
- A lot of testers use these cards, so if you receive a card relink screen or if you receive an error when adding, simply re-enter the card number but change the last four digits.
For e.g.
- 5001 0000 1000 1234
- 5001 0001 0001 0552 31
- 5001 0001 0001 0512 34
Debit Cards
- Any 16-digit card starting with: 5001 0001 0001 05** with any bank
PIN = 00
response (success) - Any 16-digit card starting with: 5001 0001 0001 01 with any bank
PIN = 51
response (insufficient funds) - Any 16-digit card starting with: 50020001000103 with any bank
PIN = 91
response (issuer or switch inoperative/bank unavailable)
Credit Card
- Any 16-digit card starting with: 5002 0001 0001 05 with any bank
PIN = 00
response (success) - Any 16-digit card starting with: 5002 0001 0001 01 with any bank
PIN = 51
response (insufficient funds) - Any 16-digit card starting with: 5002 0001 0001 03 with any bank
PIN = 91
response (issuer or switch inoperative/bank unavailable