This article gives some more information on common transaction declined status codes and reasons, to help understand why transactions have not been successful

Some steps to understand why a payment has failed

  1. Look at the payment type (summary of payment types given below)
  2. Check the return/reason code
  3. View this article to see why the transaction may have failed

Click on the transaction and view the "summary" information, to find the return code.

Please note that these reasons may not always be 100% applicable. This is based on the majority of cases seen, for the respective return code - Download the Full List of Available Return Codes (000.000.000 to 999.999.999) at the bottom of this article.

Return codes and typical explanation of failures 

CODEREASONPotential responses and guidlines from Issuing/Acquiring bankEXPLANATION - Merchant onlyWHAT TO TELL YOUR CUSTOMER / PAYER
800.100.152Transaction declined by authorization systemDo not honor
Identification required
Account closed
Re-enter transaction
Transaction Declined
No credit account
No card record
Authorization Failure
No check account
No universal account
transaction declined (unauthorized card)
transaction declined (processor declined)
Card Expired
Violation of law
Transaction declined by issuer
Bank not supported
The transaction has been rejected by the customer's bank, check the following:

*Is the card enabled for use overseas?
*Risk system of issuing bank declined the transaction.
*Risk system of acquiring bank declined the transaction.
*Other technical reasons; customer needs to contact their bank to update their information, and so on. This can be due to sensitive information that only the customer would know.

Review the following article for more information:
Your transaction was declined for one of the following reasons:

*Your bank card might not be enabled for online transactions
*Risk systems for the merchant or customer bank might have declined the transaction
*Another reason which only your bank can communicate with you

Please contact your bank, as further detail on the reason for the failed transaction can only be communicated to a customer by the customer's bank. This information is privy only to the customer and their bank.
100.380.401User Authentication FailedIncorrect OTP, bank app logins, and so on. This return code signifies that the bank's system was unable to authenticate the user.
The customer did not authenicate the transaction correctly.
Your transaction failed due to on of the following:

*The OTP was not entered correctly.
*There was a field or system error regarding the OTP.

Therefore your bank was unable to successfully authenticate you and process the transaction.
Please try again or contact your bank to find out if there is an issue with the OTP system.
100.396.103Previously pending transaction timed outThe registration transaction (RG) was not authenticated and timed out.
Callback received very late, couldn't process request.
There is a previously pending attempt which has not been completed.
100.380.501Risk management transaction timeoutThe customer probably did not enter their OTP or possibly did not get shown the 3-D Secure page because something on the customer's browser was blocking the 3-D Secure page from loading.

If the card is 3-D Secure enabled, it should get an OTP during the authentication phase of the payment. Sending out the OTP is something the customer's bank 3-D Secure server handles. Peach Payments cannot tell if an OTP is sent out and we have no control in the 3-D Secure authentication process. It's handled between the customer and their issuing bank. The customer's bank also authenticates the payment if the correct OTP is entered. Once completed, Peach Payments then receives a successful payment response.

In other cases, if the customer is enrolled for 3-D Secure, but during payment, they are not redirected to the 3-D Secure page, it could mean there is something wrong with their bank's 3-D Secure server at the time. We waited for the customer's bank to present the 3-D Secure page so they could authenticate, if it doesn't happen, then the payment times out.

here for more information.

*During loadshedding, this might increase if the customer loses access to the internet or if the customer's bank experiences loadshedding.
*Peach Payments does not knowupfront if the card is enabled for 3-D Secure or not.
The transaction attempt timed out.
You might not have entered the OTP in time or you might have lost access to the internet during the authentication stage.

There could be an issue with the bank's 3-D Secure server - this could be due to loadshedding.

Please try again.

Not: During loadshedding, this scenario might occur more often if the customer loses access to the internet or if the customer's bank experiences loadshedding.
100.390.112Technical Error in 3D systemThere is an error with the 3-D Secure process at the bank. It could be that their 3-D Secure server was down at the time.There is an error with the 3-D Secure process at your bank. It could be that their 3-D Secure server was down at the time or too many requests were recieved at the given time.
100.100.101invalid creditcard, bank account number or bank nameSee suggested response to the right.Please note that your transaction failed due to either:
*Credit card number entered incorrectly and/or
*Bank account number entered incorrectly and/or
*Bank name entered incorrectly and/or
*Credit card not activated for online transactions

Please try again or contact your bank.
100.100.700invalid cc number/brand combinationBy default, the input brand is validated against the card number. It rejects with 100.100.700 if the brand does not match.
However, customers only need to enter the first 4 digits.
For Visa, it starts with a 4 and for Mastercard it starts with a 5.

Clearly specify to customers during the checkout phase how many digits they should enter in the CVV/CVC field:
*Visa/Mastercard: Last 3 digits
*For Amex/Diners: Last 4 digits

Suggestion: Add an image of what a CVV number is if you receive this return code frequently.
Please note that your transaction failed due to you entering the credit card number incorrectly.
By default, the input brand is validated against the card number. It rejects with 100.100.700 if the brand does not match.
However, customers only need to enter the first 4 digits:
*For Visa, it starts with a 4 and for Mastercard, it starts with a 5.

Please provide the following information for further assistance:
*Issuing bank of credit card
*Country of issue of credit card
800.100.153transaction declined (invalid CVV)Security violation
CVV check failed
transaction declined (cv failed)
Card might not be enabled for online transactions or customer is using the wrong numbers or they don’t know where to find the CVV number.

Review the following article for more information:
Please note that your transaction has been declined due to either:
*An invalid CVV number being entered
*No CVV number entered

The CVV can be found at the back of your card.
*Expected CVV size for Visa and Mastercard is 3 digits.
*Expected CVV size for Amex is 4 digits.

If you entered your CVV correctly and still had your transaction declined, please contact your bank and inform them that you are unable to complete e-commerce transactions.
800.100.169transaction declined (card type is not processed by the authorization center)See suggested response to the right.Transaction failed due to either:
*The bank card is not enabled for online transactions or
*The bank card type is foreign registered and not Visa or Mastercard or
*There could be an issue with the bank's 3-D Secure server
Please try again if you know your bank card is activated for online transactions or contact your bank for further assistance.
800.100.155transaction declined (amount exceeds credit)The transaction amount exceeds the credit limit availabe for the customer or the customer has set a limit on their account, for example, Capitec gives their customers the option to limit their online spend.

*Transaction declined due to insufficient funds
*Risk system of issuing bank declined transaction
*Risk system of acquiring bank declined transaction

Review the following article for more information:
Please be advised that the transactions failed due to insufficient funds linked to the card.

There are a couple of easy steps you can take. First, please double-check your card balance to confirm you have the necessary funds. If your balance seems correct, reach out to your bank directly for more insights into the reason for the decline and to help you resolve it quickly.
800.100.203Insufficient FundsThe transaction amount exceeds the credit limit available for the customer or the customer has set a limit on their account. For example, Capitec gives their customers the option to limit their online spend.

*Transaction declined due to insufficient funds
*Risk system of issuing bank declined the transaction
*Risk system of acquiring bank declined the transaction

Review the following article for more information:
Please be advised that the transactions failed due to insufficient funds linked to the card.

There are a couple of easy steps you can take.

First, please double-check your card balance to confirm you have the necessary funds. If your balance seems correct, reach out to your bank directly for more insights into the reason for the decline and to help you resolve it quickly.

If you need any other information or assistance, please contact your bank.
800.100.174transaction declined (invalid amount)The customer's bank rejected the transaction for one of the following reasons:

1. The amount being sent is invalid, if you are attempting to tokenise a card and using an amount of 1.00 or less, it will be rejected by the customer's bank. Please contact Peach support for assistance with your payment flow.
2. The customer's bank is not able to process the transaction at the moment and to retry it. Reattempt allowed within the defined threshold limit and issuer is unlikely to provide an approval, as these are permanent conditions.

Review the following articles for more information:
The transaction was rejected for one of the following reasons:

1. The amount being sent is invalid, if you are attempting to tokenise a card and using an amount of 1.00 or less, it will be rejected by your bank. The amount (or basket value) must be larger.
2. Your bank is not able to process the transaction at the moment and to retry it. Reattempt allowed within the defined threshold limit and issuer is unlikely to provide an approval, as these are permanent conditions.

800.100.158transaction declined (suspecting manipulation)The customer's bank rejected the transaction for one of the following reasons:
1. The information provided by the customer for CVV and or expiry has been entered too many times incorrectly.
2. The customer risk system has flagged the transaction due to suspected manipulation.

Review the following article for more information:
Your recent transaction was declined by your card issuer bank.

They have flagged the transaction due to suspected manipulation or strange activity on your card. Please contact your bank as soon as possible to clarify the situation.
800.100.157transaction declined (wrong expiry date)"The transaction failed due to the customer entering the wrong expiry date which is on the customer's bank card.

Please advise the customer should double-check their card details before doing online transactions.

Please refer to this article explaining the different card numbers,"
The transaction failed due to the customer entering the wrong expiry date which is on the customer's bank card.

Please advise the customer to double-check their card details before doing online transactions.

Please refer to this article explaining the different card numbers:
Your transaction was declined because one of the following numbers was entered incorrectly:

- Card number
- Expiry date

Please double-check the numbers above when doing online transactions.
100.396.101Cancelled by userDuring the attempted transaction, the customer opted to cancel the attempt.

Please consider using Payment Links as an option to allow the customer to complete a payment at a more conviniet time.
During the attempted transaction, you opted to cancel the attempt.
800.110.100duplicate transactionTo address this issue and prevent it from impacting your conversion rate, we recommend adjusting the retry interval. This adjustment aligns with the double-check mechanism, which identifies duplicate transactions within a specific timeframe.The transaction has been rejected due to various attempts within the same timeframe.

This is to prevent various debits for the same amount and customer within a specific timeframe.
800.300.101account or user is blacklistedPlease ask the customer to use a different card.Please use a different card.
800.100.162Transaction declined (Limit exceeded)This rejection is due to the customer setting banking transaction limits.

The customer would need to check their daily limit on their banking app and to adjust their limits.

*Exceeds withdrawal limit
*Amount exceeds limit for the registered account
*Transaction declined (limit exceeded)

Review the following article for more information:
Please be advised that this transaction failed due to banking app limits being exceeded.

This error means that you have set transaction banking limits and would need to review those within your banking app.

You should check your daily limits and available funds in your account to proceed with the transaction.
100.150.203Registration is not valid, probably initially rejected800.140.112 maximum number of registrations of email per credit card number exceededThis rejection is seen in the subsequent transaction on a failed regestration attempt which looks at the amount of card registrations per email address. Other rules or limitations set by the merchant could also cause this response.
For example, if a merchant has requested a set of rules be applied to how many times the same card can be registered per customer, if the customer already has two products from the merchant and then attempts to add a new product, this will be rejected on the registration with
800.140.112 maximum number of registrations of email per credit card number exceeded.
On the subsequent preauthorisation or debit, the
100.150.203 registration is not valid, probably initially rejected result code occurs.
Please be advised that the initial phase of this transaction (registration) failed. This means that one of the following occurred:

*The registering of the card contained no account holder data
*The issuing bank was offline for the initial period of the transaction
*Did not pass 3-D Secure and therefore the token is not valid, should try the transaction again

If you do not succeed, reach out to your issuing bank.
800.100.170Transaction declined (Transaction not permitted)Please contact the customer for a different card.
This is a failure with the issuing bank and the card holder will need to find out from their bank what caused the transaction to fail.

Review the following article for more information:
This is considered a category 1 - never reattempt code:
The transaction was declined by your issuing bank.
This is considered a category 1 - never reattempt code.

This means that the issuing bank will not process this transaction due to some rules applied to their system.

Please use a different card or contact your bank, as further details on the reason for the failed transaction can only be explained to you by your bank. This information is privy only to the customer and their bank.
800.100.100Transaction RejectedWhen the customer tried to do a transaction where there was either no data or incorrect data provided on registering, resulting in the issuing bank rejecting the transaction.
40 = Consumer non-reloadable prepaid card
43 = Consumer multi-use virtual card number - never attempt
82 = Count exceeds limit
79 = Invalid digital signature - retry transaction

Review the following article for more information:
Please be advised that the transaction was declined for an unknown reason (800.100.100) - This is an error message from your bank.

Please reach out to your bank for more information regarding this failure.
800.100.151Transaction declined (invalid card)This could occur due to one of the following reasons from the issuing bank:
*The customer's card might be expired
*The card is not registered to do online transactions

Please advise the customer that they should check with their bank on why the transaction failed as this is an issue between the customer and their issuing bank.

Review the following article for more information:
Please be advised that this transaction failed due to a response from the issuing bank with a description of "Invalid Card".

This could be due to one of two reasons from the issuing bank:
*Your card might be expired
*Your card is not registered to do online transactions

You should check with your bank on why the transaction failed as this is an issue between you and your bank. / no response for issuing / acquiring or Access Control ServerDuring the transaction request, there was no response from the issuing bank, acquiring bank, or access control server.
Please contact your bank for more information.
100.390.111Communication Error to Scheme Directory ServerDuring the transaction request, there was no response from the Scheme Directory Server (Visa, Mastercard, Amex, and so on).
Please wait before retrying.

If you cannot find your result code here, please do reach out to us by creating a ticket with our support team. Send an email to [email protected] or you can do it on this link or even chat with our Chatbot.