As an e-commerce merchant, you are asking customers to trust you with sensitive credit card or other payment information (and ultimately, their money). Having logos that send the message that your site is secure, helps to increase customer trust and conversions.

We suggest adding a ‘Secured by Peach Payments’ logo on your website with a link to a section of the Peach Payments homepage that explains our security measures in more depth.

Here are two ways to get this done:

Upload a .png image

  1. Add a .png image of the ‘Secured by Peach Payments’ logo (in the colour of your choice) to the footer of your website. You can find those images at the bottom of this article.

  2. Add the following link to the image. This will allow your customers to click through to the Peach Payments website and see exactly how Peach Payments secures their payments, increasing trust in your brand and driving more sales for you:

  3. You can also add the logos of the payment methods that appear on your site. There are a selection of payment method logos at the bottom of this article.

Upload an HTML image

Click here to find how to upload an HTML image via your website’s code editor. 

Logos for the various integration methods are attached.

Direct link to peach logo svg