To upload a payout batch and send money to your suppliers, customers or partners, you can follow the steps below:

Prepare the CSV sample file provided by Peach payments.

  1. Log into the Peach payouts system

  2. Navigate to Payments > Creditors > Import batch

  3. Select the file format Paysoft CSV with Headers and Upload your prepared CSV file with the payment details
  4. Click on "Continue" to move to the results step of your CSV upload. This displays the file validation results of the upload after a Check Digit Validation (CDV) is performed on the account numbers and branch codes.

  5. Check the dashboard now to "View all failures". The reasons for the failures are in the "Result" column. You can correct these in the CSV file and upload again, by running through from Step 1. If this is not necessary, you can now proceed

  6. Continue with errors.